Projects > Master Plans for the Creation of Multimunicipal Systems in Low Water Supply and Sanitation North, Central and South - Central Region
Master Plans for the Creation of Multimunicipal Systems in Low Water Supply and Sanitation North, Central and South - Central Region

Águas de Portugal

The master plans for the creation of multi-municipal water supply and sanitation systems aimed to improve water management in terms of supply and sanitation, improve service levels and in parallel to provide quality assurance of water supply with the consumer and in the case wastewater to ensure that the discharge of this water in the environment is performed in a controlled manner and in compliance with the legislation in force.

The study covered all municipalities in the central region of Portugal. AQUALOGUS has developed the studies of 18 municipalities.

The first step involved the characterization of existing infrastructure and the development of a quality diagnostic service. The characterization included the survey and registration of the physical setting, its infrastructure and major organs. The diagnosis allowed us to assess the level of reliability and the existing constraints. In a second step we defined the goals and objectives consistent with those set by PEAASAR II in the areas of universality, continuity and quality of service, sustainability of the sector and the protection of environmental values.

Later we proceeded to design solutions and their investment studies involving:

  • The establishment of objectives and goals to consider in the development of solutions to the structural and operational level;
  • The design of technical solutions aimed at achieving the objectives and goals set, the selection in technical-economic and environmental, as well as their ranking according to established priorities;
  • The assessment of cost of investment, operation and maintenance of all infrastructure in place throughout the review period established.