Projects > Design, Construction Works and Explotation of the Companheira Wastewater Treatment Plant
Design, Construction Works and Explotation of the Companheira Wastewater Treatment Plant

Teixeira Duarte

The base design of the Companheiras Wastewater Treatment Plant, developed within a project that included the construction work, has focused on the liquid phase treatment process. This process comprised the following: an inlet with thick gridding, thin gridding, a grit basin, a cleanser, a compressor for the grains, sand classification and grease concentration; reception equipment, gridding, storage and pumping of the septic tank sludge for the primary treatment; initial pumping station; activated sludge tank with low load aeration; secondary decanter; tertiary treatment composed by microstraining and UV channel disinfection; measurement and discharge in the receiving environment.

To reuse the treated wastewater for services in the wastewater treatment plant, the plant also includes a storage reservoir for treated wastewater, metal filters and a closed reactor ultraviolet disinfection.

Regarding the solid phase, the treatment scheme includes the following organs: the storage of sludge to thicken; floaters; storage of sludge to be dehydrated; centrifuge for mechanical dewatering of sludge and silo storage for dewatered sludge.

The Companheira wastewater treatment plant has been designed to serve 200000 people.